Hie Guys,
i need help with BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST i need to change the PO status but my changes are not effected when its saved.
i have managed to change line items in PROCESS_ITEM method but nothing changes in the PROCESS_HEADER or even chaning the
header from within PROCESS_ITEM method. Code below in PROCESS_ITEM method. If anyone can help with some code would be great.
if ls_mepoitem NE ls_ekpo AND lrec_ekko-STATU = 'B' AND ls_mepoitem-KONNR NE space.
ls_ekko-STATU = '9'.
ls_ekko-FRGRL = 'X'.
ls_mepoitem-NETPR = ls_ekpo-NETPR.
CALL METHOD gs_header->set_data
im_data = ls_ekko.
call method gs_header->set_changed.
CALL METHOD im_item->set_data
im_data = ls_mepoitem.