Hi Experts,
I have been facing an issue in Rebate process. It's working otherwise fine, except that the Rebate discounts do not consider the scales at invoice level, it takes flat 10% value on Rebate basis amount. However at Rebate agreement level it calculated correct accruals based on scales for cumulative sales volume and also shows 10% rebate value that we see in the invoice. Here are the details for better understanding-
Rebate will be based on customer hierarchy based on sales volume being generated against the rebate recipient. There is a main customer (Say A) and under this are three other nodes for other customers (B1,B2 and B3). The rebate recipient could be any of these customers. In my case the rebate recipient is B1. Customer Hierarchy- Main Customer – A Customer1 – B1 Customer2 – B2 Customer3- B3 All rebate configurations are correctly done. 1. Sales org active 2. Billing doc type relevant 3. Customer master relevant for rebate 4. Materials relevant for rebate 5. Settlement material maintained 6. Pricing procedure includes “Rebate basis” with sub total =7 7. Pricing procedure includes rebate condition type = ZR01 8. Details on Rebate condition type ZR01- Calculation type = A- Percentage Scale basis = B- Value scale Check value = A- Descending Scale type = Blank –Can be maintained in con Rebate proc = Blank- Depends on sales volume Rebate agreement creation – 1. VBO2- rebate recipient = B1 2. Validity period = From today’s date to some date in future (say 31.12.2016) 3. Hit “Conditions” and selected condition type ZR01 to maintain condition records The condition records screen opens up, with details Sales org -1000/ Dest ch- 11/ Div-11, Customer- A (The main customer in hierarchy) Validity period= as maintained in first screen Rebate group =01 (Standard rebate) Amount = 10% Accruals = 10.000- (Automatically being picked up by the system, once 10% filled in the Amount field) Now clicked on “Scales” icon to maintain scales Scale type =From Scale value- 100 $- Amount – 10% 200 $- Amount – 11% 300 $ - Amount – 12% Which means, up to 100 $ of sales the Rebate recipient will get a rebate of 10% between, 100- 199= 11% etc Problems and Questions- 1. The Invoice does show up the rebate condition ZR01, but it ignores the scales and shows 10% flat discount for any amount in Invoice i.e. Even if the value of invoice is 5000 $ it will still calculate 10% rebate discount on the rebate basis ; while ideally it should consider the scales and give a rebate value as 12%. 2. The agreement, however shows 2 values; one as 10% against the invoice numbers , and another under column Amount 12 % and the Total value as calculated for 12% (which is correct value for cumulative sales volume for accrual). 3. When we settle the Rebate , it again considers correct value for Rebate as applicable based on sales volume generated during the period ( i.e. 12% in our case) 4. Why should it always take 10% flat rebate value in invoice? We want it to consider the scales at Invoice level as well. What can be done to fix it? Thanks and Regards, Randhir